Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Orleans: Day 2

After an evening I'd sooner rather forget, I have recovered from my drunken antics from the night before. I did return to the French Quarter, where I met two black girls who invited me out with them, but instead came back to my place and an almost threesome was to follow. However, it was all a ploy to rob me of my credit card while distracting me with sexual distractions. Which they failed, having stolen instead, my debit card with Visa internet purchase abilities. I called the bank and had that taken care of. So the fun continues this morning after a lengthy recovery. It is now time to head out, and explore the city in a more sober fashion.

I expected to learn a lot about myself and grow from travelling, and I did. For some time, I had always wanted some sort of sexual experience. I get it now, that it's not the sex I miss, it's just the woman I once had sex with. Without going into it too deeply… It's not about the act, as much as the person. If I am not in love… I just don't get off. It's sensationless. Boring. Empty. That's how I felt last night. Probably going to be a big re-occuring problem with my love life, but that's not what this blog is about.

After a long sleep in, I made my way to conchone butcher. A great restaurant. I met a woman named Mindi there, and we ate and walked along the riverside to the French quarter. I made my way back to the hotel, and then went to Frenchman street. I listened to real new Orleans music at maison where I drank a Saranac, and then stopped in to a restaurant for dinner. It was an unnecessary meal, but this is my last night. I wanna try crawfish. I'll be up late doing laundry. I'll be up early too to drive to Austin. I've got a lot to think about still. Like, how far do I go?

New Orleans is delightful. Filled with great food, music, seedy under belly and plenty to do, this town really is one of a kind.

Tomorrow, Austin. This trip is going as planned. But for the most part, I have to decide how my story unfolds. I don't see a clear path. What do I want at the end of the day... I'm feeling a bit lost, not a lot, but just a tiny bit. I mean… My life parallels this adventure. I have no idea where to go next, nor do I know what I should do next with my life… Do I go to Vancouver? Do I go back home? When I get back home, what do I do then? I can't work minimum wage forever. It really isn't practical. So how then, can I make the most of this experience? 

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Road to New Orleans

After a night in Nashville, I've made my way to Lynchburg. Home of Jack Daniel's. I got in around 10am, decided to take the tour, that started around 11:30, and was back on the road at 1pm. I used my free time earlier to explore Lynchburg square. Spoke with locals, learned a lot. I would say racial tensions exist on a very subtle level. However, I think it might be comparable to south African politics that way. Southern folk from what I have seen are delightfully wonderful people. Warm, talkative, animated... The accents are charming.

After the distillery, I made my way towards new Orleans. I'm still on the road, about 5 hours away.

I'm drunk on bourbon street. I had two " hand grenade's" and a jack and coke. I'm fucked. It is a lot of fun though. I haven't been this drunk in a very long time. I wish Katja were alive. She'd have enjoyed spending time with me in this context. What a great girl she was. I am super fucked. I love new Orleans!

I accept that my love life is dead. I don't want it to be, but that's reality. I'm a loser. I am. I had the perfect woman, and now she's dead. What can I do to fix that... Nothing. And that is okay. I've had a lot of fun. But to be honest... I'm so bored...

Okay. I lied. I am so drunk, I can't make rational decisions. I think this was a good experience in terms of the French quarter and bourbon street... But otherwise, I am going to wake up with a huge hangover.

I understand that my dead girlfriend will impact my life forever. I do want a new healthy relationship with a great woman. But if I can't get laid in new Orleans... Then I am screwed.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nashville Night

After a long painful 15-16 hour journey, I finally arrived on Nashville. The weather is lovely, and it's easy to forget that it is still winter. Coats are optional.

I plan on visiting the bluebird café, but it gets busy. It's tv famous now... I'm eating dinner at a carrabbas, and it is very nice.

Tomorrow I'll drive to new Orleans or extend my stay in Nashville. I think I'll downsize my original plans. I'll visit America for a week. I think it is important not to lose the victories I have won financially. So a small winter break, and then back home to plan my future.

I'll close my small business account when I get home. I'll still have money to draw on, and can spend it wisely as I look for new work and a place to live.

Carrabbas is extremely busy. I've never seen a community flocking to restaurants in such large numbers. I haven't worked for a restaurant this busy since perhaps east side Mario's. But that was an organizational disaster.

I'd like to go out west, but I feel that it is too far away. I really should save up for my future. I shouldn't blow all my savings on an adventure.